How to Get Ready for the Season Change

We are right on the cusp of a season change as summer turns into autumn. During this time of year, it’s important to consider how the changing weather and ripening foods will affect your health.

Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Fall Transition

Seasons are a crucial part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as each season brings a new focus for our health. For example, fall brings emphasis to lung and large intestine health.

As we transition into autumn, it’s important to find ways to improve your lung and digestive health. For example,  you can drink plenty of water, eat fiber-filled foods, take deep breaths of crisp air, and exercise in the refreshing outdoors.

Here are five seasonal tips to help improve your health as we transition from summer to fall:

1. Harvest

This is the traditional time of year in which farmers harvest their crops. However, even if you don’t have a garden, it’s a wonderful time to harvest the good in your life and let go of anything that has been troubling you. This may take the form of a reorganization or of donating things you do not need. You can also take time to reach out to people you love or do things that you enjoy which you may not have a chance to do again when the weather gets really cold.

No matter how you look at your “harvest,” make sure to take the time to find the things that make you happy in your life.

2. Sleep

As the season changes, the days get shorter and darker - and we naturally get more tired. Follow the signs your body is giving you and get extra sleep if at all possible. Go to bed early, get up a little later, or take a nap. If you can possibly do so, take a cue from the sun and try to sleep when the sun is down.

3. Get Outdoors

The weather is already getting colder, which means that heading outdoors will be less and less enjoyable as we head into late autumn. That means you should get outside now and appreciate the beauty of the season while you can.

Take a walk, head out for a hike, do some yoga or qigong, try meditating, enjoy a cup of tea on the porch or take your kids to the park. No matter how you enjoy the season, be sure to spend some time outside.

4. Deep Breaths

As noted above, lung health is an essential part of autumn. Spend time focussing on your breath this time of year, breathing in the beautiful cool air and smelling the crisp scents of the season. If you usually face lung challenges, now is the time to focus on improving their health.

5. Eat With The Season

Seasonal foods always work to combat the health difficulties one may encounter during that time of year. The foods that are ripe in fall are perfect for improving seasonal health. For example, pumpkin, squash, apples, and other autumnal foods are high in fiber - which can enhance large intestine health.

Additionally, many fall fruits and vegetables are delicious when eaten hot, making them perfect for nutritious soups, hot ciders, and warm salads. The steam from soups and stews is naturally healthy for the lungs, and these kinds of foods are great for staying warm on chilly evenings.

If you are considering how you can improve your healthy holistically this season, contact AOM Health today. We can discuss nourishing dietary changes, herbal medicines, acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, and other ways Traditional Chinese Medicine can benefit your health.